WeBrain is a web-based computing platform that enables large-scale EEG and EEG-fMRI multimodal data storing, exploring and analyzing using cloud High-Performance Computing (HPC) facilities across UESTC, China and the world. WeBrain connects researchers of different fields to EEG and multimodal tools and processing power required to handle the large datasets that have become the norm in the field. It also aims to construct an International Virtual Community of Brainformatics (IVCB) to set the scene for more ambitious multi-national initiatives and cooperations in brain research. It does at the same time reduce the technical expertise required to use these resources. It provides an easy-to-use for novice users (even no computer programming skills) and flexibility for experienced researchers. It is not necessary to install any software or system for users, all need is a modern web browser of any kind. A range of resources including neuroimaging analysis tools are available, as well as documents related to WeBrain.
WeBrain is a companion piece of CBRAIN developed by Prof. Alan Evans at MNI of McGill University. WeBrain is sponsored by the CCC-axis (Joint Brain Research of Canada-China-Cuba) initiated by Profs. Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa, Alan Evans and Dezhong Yao.
Data Management:
Manage your EEG and multimodal data.
Harmonization of Tools:
Use basic/specific EEG tools and methods that have become the norm in the field.
Computing Resources:
Use the power of cloud high-performance computing on your data.
Data Share:
You decide whether and how to share your data.
Community of Brainformatics:
Benefit from an active and engaged set of worldwide brain researchers.